Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Girl Quits Job, Quits Life...Starts Living

"When life is hard, you have to change." Who knew a druggie alt-rocker from the 90s would have so much life insight (and good advice)? Regardless...Shannon Hoon and his lyrics have been sprinting around my noggin the past few months...leaving sneaker prints all over my previously shiny cerebrum walls. After spending 12 years of my life tucked away in this cozy-yet-bustling mountain berg of Bozeman, and the last four years introducing media the wonders of the state of Montana...I'm throwing off the bow lines.

I keep getting the same question, "what is your plan?", and for once...I don't have one. For a girl who likes a good routine better than a bowl of chocolate and peanut butter...this uncertainty is about as comfortable as a snoot full of porcupine quills (ask McKinley about that one...). However after a year full of major life changes, why not add a few more into the mix. Go big, or go home...right?

I've never been much of a regular blogger on this thing. I always eschewed this sort of technological navel gazing for frolicking around the hills with my puppy, friends, and family. Yet in the interest of keeping in touch with all of you while I plod down this nomadic existence I am double-knotting my trail runners for...keep checking in. For photos, road maps, plane ticket stubs, moments of lucidity, hours of insanity, and seconds of profound understanding.

So, take my hand, plug in your iPod tuned to some really good music (might I suggest Gregory Alan Isakov, Matt & Kim, Rogue Wave or the always delightful Johnny Cash...), and share an adventure or two with me. Giddyup.


Meggan Carrigg Davidson said...

Giddy Up for sure!! Looking forward to the ride!! gg

Carolyn Gorski said...

I'm so pumped for you! And wish I could fit into a ventilated, hard cased carry-on to join! I love your no-plan plan and can't wait for you to GET OUT THERE! proud of you, B.

Mel said...

Can't wait to hear more about your big adventure. Good for you for taking the leap!

Anonymous said...

Who needs a plan?

Anonymous said...

We want another post. When will you right again?